Affirmations of a CEO on the Move

“Affirmations of a CEO on the Move” Journal was created with you in mind. My goal is to help you move forward in your power, purpose, and destiny. This journal will inspire, uplift, and elevate your thinking. So get ready for something different.
Keeping a journal has proven to be a valuable tool for me in terms of letting go of unpleasant emotions, reducing stress, and identifying unhealthy patterns of thinking. As a newlywed young adult, I was in need of a safe place where I could be completely honest. I needed a place where I could express who I really was. As I continued to write on a daily basis, I saw a shift in my mindset and a greater sense of direction for my life. The emotional haze was beginning to clear away. I didn’t have to worry about being judged because there were no repercussions. My journal This did not necessitate any consideration for anyone else’s sentiments. I discovered an area solely for my use!
Keeping a journal improves our relationships because it helps us deal with difficult situations in a calmer manner. It also allows us to plan ahead of time by detecting what is on our minds. Even those who aren’t introverted can benefit from journaling because it helps everyone better understand themselves and grow emotionally stronger. I’ve been able to recover and begin the process of being the person I am now because of it. It has also boosted my creativity, improved my memory, and helped me organize my thoughts so that I can develop and achieve goals. Journaling has taken me on a journey of self-awareness and growth. It is my desire for you to experience the same freedom and discovery that I now have.
In this book, I and 30 other amazing women from around the world will offer our most effective affirmations, quotes, and advice. As you take charge of your voice, your future, your success, and your legacy, you’ll find yourself eager to write in this journal.
Wishing you the best,
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Contributing CEOs
Each and every day is a day to choose differently.
Listen… I know all too well the struggles of getting your name and brand out there.
When one door is closed, try the next one. If it’s closed, go around to the back. If not, Create Your OWN, but never give up.
I no longer allow fear to stop me from walking in my purpose. I believe that fear is an enemy of success.
Can I share with you the best move I ever made as a CEO? I made room for God in my boardroom and I collaborate with Him on a daily basis.
My hope is that by sharing my personal affirmations you will be encouraged to stay focused on what God has called you to do and remember that you are not on your journey alone.
I want to encourage you to embrace God’s promises by putting your hands in His hands and trusting Him as He leads you on your journey!
I hope the affirmations that you read on my pages will bring you confidence, encouragement, and much success. Let’s have a sense of Expectancy!
Today and every day I celebrate you! I hope these affirmations will encourage you and support you as you support others. Please know that they were created with YOU in mind!
The more you accomplish in life, the bigger the obstacles you will face. Pray for guidance, equip yourself with faith and belief then take the next step forward.
I hope my affirmations eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. Change your habits, change your life!
It’s never too late to start dreaming and believing again. Catch your breath and take flight! You’ve got territory to gain & recover.
The most powerful tool is faith to manifest a vision or a dream. We can make it such a huge challenge but it’s resting in us internally. The power in prayer and then fasting to ignite those prayers.
I would love to encourage all women to call their power back, and never give up on themselves or their dreams.
It is my desire that the affirmations in this book fuel you for the days and years ahead. When you read silently, I want the words to resound loudly in your ears.
I hope that these affirmations help you to become the C.E.O. that you were created to be.
Trying to predict the future is challenging, but that’s no excuse for not making a total effort. Don’t just try; make every effort possible.
Faith is trusting in the assignment that Yahovah has called you to. Do not settle, allow your Faith to take your dreams to the next level.
Dr. Josephine Harris has encouraged and empowered many women, including military spouses, and states you are not alone.
In this journal, you will find encouragement as you travel the entrepreneurial journey. Everyone’s journey is different but it is better when you realize you don’t have to travel it alone.
I am my sister’s keeper so just know that I have your back and I stand with you during this journey of self-discovery, reflection, and affirmation. Be bold. Be beautiful. Be You.
Your experiences do not define you, but instead, change your perspective and it takes inner healing for a restoration to take place.
Hey, precious jewel of the Most-High! I don’t care what negativity you’ve heard, there is greatness in you!
We all got something inside of us to offer to the world. I have decided to believe and give myself the opportunity to birth it into existence.
It is my sincere joy to share my affirmation to take it and apply it to your daily toolbox. I believe that you will find that these affirmations may be used in any season in your life.
Hey Sis, I hope and pray you’re taking the time to feed yourself and your spirit something to sustain you as you actively pursue your greatness!
In my affirmation, you believe and push yourself to reach your goals and keep working hard until you achieve them.
I hope to encourage my readers to stay strong no matter what. To keep fighting. I want to impact lives by letting them know that there is hope through the battles of life. And that the best is yet to come.
I would love for you to know that you can do anything you dream. Remember that you matter and you have the power to be great.
I want to encourage you to be easy on yourself and enjoy the journey. Yes, I know you have goals and aspirations but remember who gave them to you! Your very first business partner is the author and finisher of your faith and HE is walking with you every step of the way.